Limited flame spread (ISO 15025)
When tested in accordance with ISO 15025 procedure A, the superb aluminized fabric passes the highest requirement (A1) of limited flame spread.
Convective heat (ISO 9151)
When tested in accordance with ISO 9151, the superb aluminized fabric shows an excellent result (B2) in the convective heat performance test. The result shows that the RHTI 24 value = 13.5 s
Radiant heat (EN ISO 6942)
When tested in accordance with ISO 6942 method B at a heat flux density of 20 kW/m², the superb aluminized fabric exceeds the highest class (C4) requirement in the radiant heat performance test. The result shows that the RHTI 24 = 103.2 s
Molten aluminum splash (ISO 9185)
When tested in accordance with ISO 9185, the superb aluminized fabric exceeds the highest class (D3) requirement in the molten aluminum splash performance test. The result shows that the weight of molten aluminum splash is greater than 350 g, while the skin simulant is still undamaged.
Molten iron splash (ISO 9185)
When tested in accordance with ISO 9185, the superb aluminized fabric exceeds the highest class (E3) requirement in the molten iron splash performance test. The result shows that the weight of molten iron splash is greater than 200 g, while the skin simulant is still undamaged.
Contact heat (ISO 12127)
When tested in accordance with ISO 12127 at a temperature of 250℃, the superb aluminized fabric shows an excellent result (F2) in the contact heat performance test. The result shows that the threshold time = 14.8 s
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